Halloween is an enigma wrapped in a scream shrouded in many mysteries. Barley Creek is happy to answer some of the most pressing questions today, like why do zombies eat brains? As it turns out, there's some lively academic debate about the zombie diet. Some say that zombies crave the high serotonin levels found in recently-alive brains because it helps to ease the emotional pain from, you know, being a zombie. Nutritionists, on the other hand, suggest that zombies are actually eating Keto, what with brains being 60% fat, 40% protein, and almost no carbs. On the third hand (because this is Halloween and having three hands is very much on brand), movie buffs claim that everything we know about zombies derives from the 1968 classic film, Night of the Living Dead, which is an interesting theory except for the fact that zombies in that movie did not eat brains. (Flesh yes, brains no.) The truth is, you can probably blame the brain cravings on Homer Simpson. The first known time a zombie demanded braaaains was during a 1985 episode of the Simpsons. Anyway, this weekend, we have good news: you don't have to be a zombie to enjoy some brains. Barley Creek is serving up stuffed brains and skeleton steaks, along with excellent potions like the Devil's Margarita. We'll also have live music, games, contests, and the best decorations on the mountain. Stop in to check out all the spooky fun at Barley Creek this weekend!
